Monday, January 08, 2007

Revelations In Bits

* I sometimes feel extremely protective about my blog like its a matter of national security and when I tell someone I have to go because I need to take care of something (i.e. my blog) and they insist on know what it is I have to do, I feel like if I told them it would become a liability. Sometimes I think, if this person leaks my identity I'll have to kill them.

* I get extremely annoyed with people who have a dedication to causes they know nothing about. I see this most often within the pro-Palestine community. One person particular is this Palestinian girl I know who hates Israel like the plague but is unaware of headlines concerning the conflict only days after they occur. Hmmm I think she has a crush on me.

* I absolutely hate Egyptians who claim they have no love for Egypt. They talk about it as if its something to be ashamed of. I wish we could wipe those people out of the gene pool.

* If you have alot of opinions and no information to back it up, don't come near me because I will dissect you like a surgeon.

* Many of the things I love about Egypt are things that have caused millions to leave the country, if it wasn't poor, complicated, unorganized, crowded and polluted it wouldn't be the same place I know and love.

* Recently I've discovered something that has changed my views on many things. The world and everything in it, every opinion, every fact, every political issue and every tragedy is solely a matter of perception. Sometimes I listen to someone argue something so skillfully and so passionately and then I sit back and realize everything they are saying is crap and hardly anyone else knows it. I often step outside of myself and observe the opinions that make up reality, its like being the puppet master.

* As I grow older and wiser God reaffirms to me, everything that has been always will be. Sometimes that's refreshing, sometimes that's depressing.


At 12:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah the D.B....we all know and love! I know what you mean about the blog being a matter of national security.
Somehow, it becomes a very closely gaurded secret, only revealed to the very closest of friends and then it tends to be more of a confession :p

At 1:33 PM, Blogger D.B. Shobrawy said...

Arima, you're hilarious. you sound as if you are profiling my personality. Like on the pretty woman post when you saind, "i'm human after all". Love it.

At 4:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

:-p Maybe I am.... little do you know that behind this screen lurks the collective genius of FBI, Mossad, KGB, MI5....


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