Thursday, December 14, 2006

When In Doubt Blame Syria

I have never been a conspiracy theorist but I'll concede that circumstances leading up to specific political occurrences are never as simple as we'd like them to be and they're rarely as they're depicted in news or official government reports.

It's not that hard to imagine, think of the worlds political theatre like a giant soccer stadium. We the people are the less powerful and less influential and as a result we are seated in the cheap seats, high up where we cant see too well. Therefore what might look like a clean play to us might really be a foul. You follow me?

An example of things not being what they seem are the currently evolving circumstances in Lebanon and the year or two leading up to them. If you have kept an eye on the news you may have noticed Syria/Iran and vice verse have been the fall guys for any trouble surrounding Lebanon. I have been increasingly skeptical however simply because Syria's name has come up effortlessly without any checks and balances system. It has become easier to blame Syria then blaming people in the Lebanese government who have as much or more to gain by influencing a change in the Lebanese constitution. Many unfounded stories suggesting Syria's involvement were passed on anti-Syria forums and were not picked up by the MM for obvious reasons. Like the report that said Syrian officials called to ask about Pierre Gemayels assassination an hour before it happened.

Another curious event yet to be picked up by the MM is this, a letter supposedly from Saad Hariri to Hezbollah during the Lebanon-Israel conflict this past summer.

MP Saad Hariri, had asked Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah to disarm the group in exchange for an end to Israel's summer offensive.
Odd, no?

I fully expect readers to deny the possibility solely because Hezbollah is a part of the equation, "its a forgery, a lie" etc. But I prefer to ask questions instead of being spoon fed opinions masked as facts.

Something to keep in mind.

Lebanon's constitution invites assassinations and forced resignations by design. Lebanon's constitution dictates that in the event of 3 or more Parliament members leaving their post by resignation or assassination, the constitution must be reformed. So far with assassinations and resignations combined we have lost 7 members. That is why protesters are demanding Fouad Siniora should step down.


At 8:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting post, especially the part on the constitution. I never heard of it before. Do you know why these rules (concerning assassination) were included in Lebanon's constitution?


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