Sunday, October 29, 2006

Moving Day

Ugh, I'm trying to completely uproot all my belongings from my old place and move them into my new place. I have crap everywhere, things in bags and boxes, hardly any furniture, I feel like a nomad. A matter of fact I'm writing to you now from the comfort of my cold floor. Even worse I haven't set up the cable or internet in the new apartment, don't worry though there shouldn't be a drop in publishing, I plan on hacking into the neighbors wireless connection.

Highlights of the Move.

-The cleaning lady came by, cleaned the fridge, the kitchen counter and then left. I guess I'll be doing the rest.

-I have no food because the cleaning lady decided to throw out my groceries.


-No movers, just me and and 2 friends.

-I'm hungry...oh yea I forgot, there's no food in the fridge.

-I don't know where I'm sleeping tonight.


-I expect getting settled into a new place to feel like the first few weeks in jail, minus the forcefull and aggravated man on man love.


At 9:35 PM, Blogger D.B. Shobrawy said...

Interesting that you ask Magi, I dont have a bookshelf. One time a friend offered one to me but i declined due to its shotty construction. One time he contacted me to ask about the book shelf and I was like, "Dude I didnt take the bookshelf, remember?"

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Rhino-itall said...

No man on man love? well then it could be worse!


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