Mark Foley Is A Flamer!
Listen to Pat Buchanan rant and rave, I love it! Listen to him say flamer, he really stresses the "F", it sounds like Fffffflamer!
These news shows continue to pop out hilarious video clips. If I had to pull a figure out of my butt I would say 51.8 percent of clips on YouTube are from news channels like Fox News, MSNBC and CNN.
He so much meant to say "Faggot" - I kinda admire his self-control :)
Did you ever watch Buchananon when he was one of the two hosts of Crossfire, on CNN, DB? That was quite some time ago... over 10 years I'm sure.
no i actually didnt know crossfire went back that far
It was that show that made him a prominant enough conservative to run for President in 1992... as I recall he said something about Gays at the Republican Convention that year, too!
I was a huge crossfire fan as well. In fact i don't know why they ever went away from that format, it was perfect.
will do
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