Monday, August 14, 2006

Guess Who Has Joined The Blogosphere!

President Mahmood Ahmadinejad of Iran, thats who. Thats right, dispite Irans bans on blogging sites, someone just couldnt resist.

So what is he writing about? What else, nationalistic gibberish. I'll be keeping my eye on this.

Here's the blog.

Here's the article.


At 7:27 PM, Blogger Twosret said...

Did you notice that there are no comments on his first entry? I guess people are scared :)

Yaa'm shobrawy sayebni kedda el kelab te'attaa' fee lahme on SM :)

At 10:42 PM, Blogger D.B. Shobrawy said...

Ahh, Twosret yaa' sitti. Let me address this last line you have written in arablish. It says, " Uncle Shobrawy, leaving me so the dogs can cut my flesh on SM" (more or less) This is addressing the debates that go on's comments sections wherein people who are staunch supporters of Israel project their rhetoric and anti-everyone but Pro-Israel opinions. It doesnt really matter what the topic is, Israeli/Palestine Conflict, Pro-Israel Supporters debate. Post about Iraq, Pro-Israel Supporters debate. Post about Lebanon, Pro-Israel Supporters debate. Post about kittens, Pro-Israel supporters debate.

Heres the thing, TONS of people read, unfortunately there is only a handfull of people who write comments and 96% of them are self proclaimed Zionists. They sit there and they wait for people like you to state the obvious "Middle East opinion" so they can pounce on you and call you a terrorist or whatever else. I took the bate before and was frustrated with the results, why? Because I wasn't able to have respectable debate as I would have enjoyed, instead I was force fed B.S. Israeli propoganda and subjected to childish insults on topics as simple as whether the Lebanese people were enduring unnecessary suffering! You are very paitient to endure such hostility and sometimes abuse. I dont have your paitience. You are a Saint for your devoution, unfortunately my responsibility as a Blogger inhibits my ability to go out and fight the world. I'm in the early stages of my blogs development, I have seen some success in my short career, including a link on, something I am extremely proud of and I look forward to seeing my site grow through people like you, Miss C, Amon Ra, and Sand Monkey. So dont feel alone and battered, consider Whisper of Madness to be your Big Brother, I support you, as long as you dont do anything too crazy, and Youll see me on Sandmonkey too. I prefer to crack jokes as opposed to starting a riot while I'm there, my readers know that. As far as riots go, I'll start them here on Whisper of Madness

At 11:15 PM, Blogger Twosret said...

Oh Shobrawy you are so kind, imagine that I have been on his blog since it was born :) some people tell me that people like us make the blog, it is very boring until we say something different. I bet you he is having the time of his life (no wonder we get along despite our MAJOR differences). He owes me a thank you for at least 1 million hit.

My skin is getting thicker and thicker, I'm in the process of transformation from a lizard to a crocodile or as my baby says coocoodile mommy.

I started my blog by the way click on my profile (this is my third attempt) not much writing just a collection of articles that I like.

I didn't know you could touch a nerve so easily to so many zionists, they seem very vanurable don't know why? I mean look at us, how many days go by without you hearing muslim or arab terrorists? people are obssessed by us.

Today it was a rough battle though one of those bad days (really bad) the troll level was RED as per the troll land security Dept. To my astonishement I was defended by non-arabs, some zionist, french, American, don't know the rest. I always debate about whether I should blog or not. You know the proverb that says "Ya faro'un eih elly fara'anak a'aal malaetsh had yewa'fani"

You are doing a fine job, SM and BP attracts many zionists and they capatlize on them and use them for their purpose and I think they get the self satisfaction in return. I don't think el dawsha dih means anything, hits means nothing it is all like fire works :)

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Twosret said...

Oh and can you please explain to me who Samir Kuntar is LOL? wahyat Omi I had no idea who he is until the Rabbi Jihadi club started attacking me over there. I mean do you think if I brought up the devil himself they would be that upset?

I don't want to even read about him khalas Om Samir Kuntar fee dahya lol.

At 1:37 PM, Blogger D.B. Shobrawy said...

I'll tell you this, I dont know who Samir Kuntar is and I dont want to know. I figure everyone has their own version of events. He's the Middle East version of Mumia Abu Jamal. My guess is hes probably guilty of some murder regardless of the details.


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