Saturday, August 26, 2006

Egyptian Seamen Stranded In S. Carolina.

I love this story! Allow me to summarize...

  • Egyptian shipping freighter gets docked in Charleston, South Carolina by a court order indefinitely until an international lawsuit is resolved.
  • Boat is docked for 2 months. (still docked actually)
  • 29 Member crew is not allowed to leave the boat under any circumstance.
  • Crew is subjected to head counts by the coast guard every 4 hours!
  • The owners of the boat, Misr Edco Shipping, hasn't paid the crew for 9 months.
  • Captain of the boat has a heart attack while stranded on the boat and is taken to a hospital.
  • Local Residents feel so bad for the crew they are offering supplies, phone calls and doctor visits.
Adding insult to injury, the newspaper reporting quotes the Captain verbatim, "The crew asking, need to go home" and adds "In broken English". Oh really you mean a foreigner doesn't speak proper English? Imagine that!

How pathetic is this, these guys have been completely abandoned by their company and country, they have probably run out of their hummus and falafel rations and nice, generous, American locals are the only people who care.


At 5:17 AM, Blogger Rosemary Welch said...

We Americans do not like to see anyone go hungry, suffer employers sins, and the such. We may be careful, but we have big hearts. After all, we are rebels at heart. That's what started the Revolutionary War! lol.

Yes, I know that was a long time ago, but the blood still runs deep in our veins. :)

Thank you for this post. It's good to hear about Americans doing something good for a change. lol.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Miss Carnivorous said...

Well some drummers and kanoon players I know went seriously awol after a party. Ya gotta do a head count periodically.


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